Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Supernova: Microformats

An excellent workshop primarily because it was a demonstration of pragmatic solutions.  I've been just slightly involved with some of the microformat work and I've been looking for resources to help build mindshare at AOL.  The microformats.org web site announced here is exactly what I need.  And now I see that Tantek has put his excellent introduction up there.  Go look!

What I like about microformats:  Start simple and focused.  Evolve rapidly.  Borrow like crazy. Keep things human readable.  Decentralize completely.  Get real world experience.  Microformats like tags, hCalendar, and hReview are simple enough (and built on infrastructure that's solid enough) to let the community build interoperable services.

Best part for users:  Microformats are based on XHTML.  Which means they're human readable HTML as far as users are concerned.  No weird XML gobbledygook, no strange attachments, no extra files to cart around.

Specifics:  hCalendar is great because it's just vCalendar mapped to XHTML.  There was a great demo of a service which turns an hCalendar link into an vCalendar data stream automatically; I'm now subscribed to Tantek's calendar through this service. hReview is based on what people are publishing on the web today, just adding some markup so machines can see the semantics.

Tools are starting to pop up.  There's a Greasemonkey script for doing hCalendar in any text box.  Movable Type is adding support for writing hReviews.  Next step will be services like Technorati and Google paying attention to the semantics.

Next topic was tags, the uber-microformat (or nanoformat).  It'll have to wait for the next post, though.  Need to get some sleep.

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