Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Yet Another Post on Feed Licensing

Back in April, I blogged about copyright and licensing standards for feeds.  People were happy with most of it, with one big exception:  Nobody can agree on what to do with feeds lacking an explicit license.  People clearly felt I was nuts to suggest that the implicit permissions involved in this situation could be captured in any flavor of Creative Commons license.  Obviously the owner holds copyright, and obviously fair use applies in the US, and unfortunately nobody can specify what that means in a way that software can understand.

So, here's my new summary, which is shorter but more complicated:
You'll need to consult your legal department on what fair use is in each case, and figure out how to deal with international jurisdictions too.

All of which makes embedding licenses in feeds even more important.

Tags: , Creative Commons, RSS, Atom, syndication

Monday, June 5, 2006

User Centric Identity

I just gave a talk at AOL about user centric, distributed identity, titled "Identity 2.Open" just to draw the punters. This came out of various thoughts I've had regarding opnness and authentication, and from the recent Internet Identity Workshop 2006(a).  Fair warning: There may be a podcast up sometime soon, in which anyone who cares to do so can listen to me butcher explanations about identity, security, and game theory.

This was also my first foray into the S5 slide show system. I gave up on PowerPoint when it refused to accept .PNG images.  I mean, come on guys, it's only been about 10 years since PNG was introduced.  Sheesh.  S5 works great, though I would love to see a few more generic themes that I could snag and use without working on visual designs.

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Thursday, June 1, 2006

Searching Structured Data Using Microformats

In the well-of-course-he-did department, Tantek just announced the beta of Technorati's Microformats Search.  Hopefully this will help accelerate deployment of structured data on the public web.  Their beta main page adds on some special sections if a keyword search gets results containing microformats:
And you can do domain-specific searches as well, for example for events matching "San Francisco".  So far you can't do much with the data except jump to the source page.  The obvious thing is to support an add to contacts or add to calendar option.

There's a companion service, pingerati.net, to enable real time indexing; it's also a ping hub.  The idea here is that if you want to get updates about structured data from around the web, you can register with pingerati and get their feed of pings as well, without needing to go around and convince everyone to ping your service.  For example, evdb will get auto-notified if you ping pingerati.net.  Naturally, any existing Technorati feed update pings also get fed in.

Being a hub is nice.

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