Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Going Supernova

I took the train up to San Francisco to the Supernova conference, which let me experiment with using my cell phone as a Bluetooth modem.  Given that I was sitting on a rapidly moving train, I expected this to be a dancing bear, but it actually worked pretty well for around 40 minutes -- until the train went into a set of tunnels near the end of the trip.  Speed wasn't great but was adequate for email.  Major problem was actually vibration.

I went to Monday's Connected Work workshop mainly in hopes of getting some insights into collaboration trends.  Not too many surprises -- blogs and wikis  everywhere, of course.  Some good points about the need to not lock down things too tightly (heresy to traditional IT departments) because your breakthrough ideas usually come from cross-fertilization.  Quote: "98% of everything should be visible to everyone in the company."  Hear, hear.

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