Wednesday, May 16, 2007

New Journals features: Video, pictures, mobile... and Atom!

The team just added some cool features to Journals last night.  There's a new button that lets you easily add pictures from various Flickr, your computer, AOL Pictures, or an arbitrary URL.  There's a video button that lets you upload a video to embed in your entry or About Me, or record directly from your webcam.  The latter uses the Userplane video recorder widget, which was a breeze to integrate with.  We're also highlighting our mobile posting feature at, which lets you post via your cell phone (or email!) including pictures or video.  Here's a quick trick:  You can use this feature to integrate iPhoto with your blog; just choose to Share via email and put in your blog's email address.

We've also made some changes to our Atom API to bring it more into line with the draft APP standard; it's not 100% there yet but it's close and certainly usable.

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