Wednesday, November 23, 2005

What's happening, and a preview of the new patch

Joe's done a good job of explaining what happened this morning; in technical terms, we pushed out a change, it gave us a surprise, and we hit the metaphorical Undo button.  We're trying to figure out what went wrong now.

The interesting thing (from our perspective) is that the change was pushed out first to, and it works fine there.  Which means that if you want to see a preview of the change, you can view your blog on beta (use "" instead of "" in the URL) and take a look.  My personal opinion?  Might help a little, but we need to do more.  (The release also includes a fix that will, hopefully, resolve the entry saving problem for anyone who still has it.)

In other news, the Washington Post story "You've Got Ads" came out this morning.  Some reactions from the blogosphere are here.  The press release from AOL got some facts wrong about ads on blogging services; I can't comment beyond that since that's an official communication and this blog is highly unofficialBut, when AOL issues a press release that says the sky is green, I don't think it's against our communications policy to simply note that, looking out the window, the sky looks awfully blue to me.


Anonymous said...

Thank you.
Peace,  Virginia

Anonymous said...

"I can't comment beyond that since that's an official communication and this blog is highly unofficial.  But, when AOL issues a press release that says the sky is green, I don't think it's against our communications policy to simply note that, looking out the window, the sky looks awfully blue to me."

Thank *you*... This is far more than we've gotten from Joe or Scalzi, who seem to think if the company party line is that "the sky is green", then there is absolutely no way to have even a *personal* opinion otherwise... (with appropriate disclaimers)

As for the "fix", too bad it wasn't planned to fix anything we have been complaining about most... (Like, say, banner ads...!)

Good to know not everyone at AOL is a soul-less corporate drone... Kudos, john...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip on adding beta to get a look at the disclaimer. I did it on my blog and it looks maybe a little better. It's still a shock seeing the advert though, but it's got some separation.

Anonymous said...

Oh, so you're one of those tech guys Joe is always talking about?  Well, I can't say that I envy you right now, but I do appreciate your efforts.  A request.... pretty please, make the disclaimer just a little bit bigger?  (Better yet, make the ads a little bit smaller... like so small I can't even see them.)  Enjoy your Thanksgiving and rest up.  We want you all refreshed and roaring to go so you can fix this mess.  Thanks.

Anonymous said...

yeah.... the sky looks awfully blue to us too. You are a good man. judi

Anonymous said...

And you know what is so simple?  All we want is to be told the sky is blue.  It's really that easy, but so seemingly difficult.

I like you.  A lot.  

~~ jennifer