Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Just up the road from me, there's a little camp-out planned:  TagCamp.  I'd really love to go myself and roast some hot dogs, but with the Kid it's a bit difficult.  We'll see.  Hopefully we can at least send someone with some hot chocolate and pancakes.

Update: We're sending a posse to TagCamp:

EdwinAoki, SaileshDavuluri, SeanSu - Brainstorming ideas around tag spam, or SPAG.

And, we're helping out with dinner too.  Wish I could be there... I might manage a drop in at some point.  I hope Edwin or Sailesh or Sean will be event blogging.

Tags: , .

Thursday, October 6, 2005

AOL buys Weblogs Inc.

(Disclaimer:  I know nothing about this deal aside from what's in the news.)

Good coverage here.   The lines between traditional media and blogging are going to continue to blur.   And AOL is getting in on the ground floor.